Watching Domenica on MAFS is truly a rollercoaster, I either hard agree or hard disagree with what she says, it’s never “eh, fair enough”. Yesterday’s dinner party was one of the times I was like “yasss, you tell her Dom!”

We open with a look at the new couples finishing up their honeymoons, to everyone’s relief. Kate still hasn’t cracked a smile, Dion happily drags his and Carolina’s bags cos “happy wife, happy life!” and Jess tells husband Daniel that he “has no balls” and is a “little bi–h”. She freely and proudly repeats this to the producers which makes it even more disgusting.

Selina and Cody are not in a good place for some reason neither Selina nor I can pinpoint. Cody’s affection lasted a whole, what, 3 days and now he’s back to pushing Selina away and refusing to touch and hug her.


Sam and Al had sex!!! I’m so excited for my fave Al, he “calls her babe sometimes” now and they seem very happy, yay!



Selin and Anthony are not on good terms after Anthony dared to put his feet on the coffee table. Not the best idea but not the cause for such a huge issue, you’d think.

The couples start to enter the dinner party. Everyone is really excited to hear Sam and Al’s big news of “consumacating” their marriage

Matt and Kate are the first newbies to arrive and Matt gushes about how infatuated with Kate he is while Kate looks like she’s been waiting for 3 hours to renew her drivers licence. I wonder how he smells to the other couples considering we watched him spray cologne 30 times.


Dion and Carolina show up and Dion is wearing a sparkly sequin jacket and heeled shoes, and kinda has a “Mr Chow from The Hangover” vibe going.


Al has a great idea to initiate them with a shoey, and after Matt takes Al up on his on his offer, Kate looks even more disgusted, saying they’re in their late 30’s, they don’t do shoeys.


Our final surprise couple, Jess and Daniel, enter the party after a fight in the car about whether you should say the aircon should be turned “up” or “down” when you want the temperature warmer. Daniel’s European cut tight clothes seem to be a hit with Al.

Jess wastes no time in telling everyone repeatedly about Daniel “getting flustered” and “having tantrums”and calling him a “little b—h”. Daniel tries to extend an olive branch by grabbing wine and glasses and asking Jess if she wants a drink, which she dismisses rudely. Domenica, to her credit, zeroes in on her because of her actions and calls out her childish behaviour. The ladies want to know what Daniel did that was so bad to warrant her treatment of him, and she has nothing to say so she leaves the table.


Jess keeps moving away from Dom and Dom keeps following her to call her out. It’s pretty funny, not gonna lie. Jess keeps leaving because even she knows her behaviour isn’t justified and doesn’t appreciate Dom calling her out or accepting her flimsy “explanations”.

Selin and Anthony get into a huge fight and Anthony tells Selin he’s a good person and doesn’t deserve to be treated like she’s treating him. Selin brings up something about a Macca’s receipt that also seems kinda flimsy and we don’t have any context about so can’t really gauge the validity. He’s had enough and refuses to stay quiet any longer.


We end the dinner party with the hint of an affair between Daniel and Carolina starting, when they are talking about how unsuitable their matches are. Daniel admits Carolina is more his type and she says he if he needs to talk to someone, she’s there. I bet she is! Look, I really don’t blame Daniel for wanting to get far, far away from Jess, but would Carolina be that much of a better choice? She’s making fun of Dion’s height and lack of gym attendance. Looks like things might spice up with them, and though it’ll be interesting to see Jess’s reaction, poor Dion seems like an oblivious and innocent casualty!


Onto the commitment ceremony, where apparently one couple leaves (my money’s on Selin and Anthony!)

Image credit: Nine


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