In a move that came wayyy too late for our liking (not in the least so Holly could “show off” her acting and Andrew could “motivate” the group) MAFS couple Holly and Andrew have FINALLY decided to leave!

After their blowout at the dinner party last week, Andrew chose not to even show up to the commitment ceremony (probably cos he knew he was going to get blasted by the experts) so Holly sits alone. She gets up on the couch and reads out an audition, I mean, heartfelt letter to the group and wipes non existent tears from her eyes. Olivia and Jackson say that they want to hear both sides of the story and say they haven’t judged her based on Andrew’s words, but her own behaviour, and that what she’s saying now is different to what she was telling them at the party. Selin ironically tries to defend Holly about being attacked by the whole room when she came in. Anyway, Holly and Andrew are both off our screens now yay! Let’s sage the show from their negative energy and move forward to the inevitable affair now!

Olivia and Jackson get on screen, and you know Olivia was forced into apologising to Holly.


She breaks down cos she wishes her father had been able to see her like this (in a happy relationship, not on a messy reality TV show).

Sam and my fave Al are up, and poor Al just looks defeated. He thought they were doing well, until after the dinner party, Sam told him the other ladies didn’t do the kissing task and “she felt pressured” into doing it. Which is kinda the exact opposite thing they were arguing about last week, how he couldn’t read her hints and come grab her and kiss her. Alessandra is just as confused as the rest of us and states that not every couple got every task and she was given the kissing task because she explicitly stated she wanted kisses. Poor Al can’t read her signals. John tells Sam to stop thinking Al is a mindreader and tell him what she wants.


Selin and Anthony, and Dom and Jack both write stay (wow, Selin wrote it in letters you can read, Anthony must be growing on her).

Selina and Cody had sex after the dinner party and it seems to have brought them closer together. They both write stay happily.


For anyone who’s seen the masterpiece Superstore, the above tweet had me laughing. So that’s who Cody’s been reminding me of!

Mitch and Ella are up. Mitch defends his dismissiveness towards Ella as being “blunt” (ugh, I hate that excuse!) The experts say it was demeaning and condescending. Mitch barely admits he (apparently) likes Ella, and they really should be on Love Island so she can dump him and find a guy who’s actually into her.


We end it with Brent and Tamara, who seem to be bringing out the worst in each other. He says she knows how to push his buttons and that she’s a difficult person to live with, dictating when and for how long he can nap and when to go to bed. She says she’s only suggesting it in a caring way because he always talks about how tired he is. She’s worried about being misunderstood. They both choose to stay and Brent highlights that he doesn’t want any more negativity, because without that tension he can be a better person. Tamara asks for patience with her and communication, to tell her if she’s being frustrating rather than letting everything bubble up.

Tonight we get to meet the new couples at their weddings!



Here's one of our favourite moments from Robin & Kip now with Corey Oates!