Pressure continues to mount, the world is evolving and mindsets are changing… How could you possibly choose the right job anymore?

Does this sound familiar? You start a new job, you think you’re going to love, and then feel a bit underwhelmed by it? Basically, you simply don’t love it as much as you expected.

What do we do from here? According to career guidance counsellors, we write a good ol’ fashion pros & cons list!

The more open and honest you are with yourself, the better.

Ask questions yourself questions like:

  • How do you feel going into work? 
  • Do you feel tired / drained / unmotivated?
  • What exactly am I not loving? 
  • How can I change this situation? 
  • What should I do that is best for me? 

If you get to the end of your list, and there are more cons than pros, I think it’s time to leave! (TIP – Think about the weight of the pros and cons too.)

A lot of starting a new job is learning about the workplace dynamics and what the role actually entails, and you can’t really be sure if that job suits you until you’ve settle in.

In saying that, if you get a gut instinct that the industry or specific role you’ve ventured into isn’t for you, then it’s important to listen to that.


Your number one priority is you; that you feel happy at work and valued.  If you’re feeling unfulfilled/frustrated after three weeks then consider chatting to your direct manager.

Obviously chatting to your manager openly about how you are feeling can be a super stressful thing to do, but if you don’t feel as though you can talk to them, it might not be the workplace for you anyway.

Well, how do you move on without burning bridges? Well first off, you shouldn’t feel guilty moving on from a job that isn’t right for you, you’re actually saving yourself time, and the company money.

It’s time to create an action plan!

Here’s how we resigning respectfully:

  1. Be really transparent with your manager about how your feeling .
  2. Don’t dwell on the negatives, just explain how you have felt and your situation, but don’t blame them or the company, keep it upbeat but honest.
  3. Thank your manager for all that they have done and keep in contact. Send them a personalised note the next day to thank them. Make sure you keep them as a connection and continue to network for the future too, your network is very valuable.

Simply put, just be honest & real without negative emotion.

So you’ve resigned and have no clue what to do next? Try this:

Create lists of what you love, what you want to do, what you don’t love doing. Writing brings so much clarity! And if you’re still stuck, then reach out to a career coach, or trusted friend/mentor!

Life’s short, but sweet if you let it be. Explore!

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