At what point does a relationship become too much, or borderline coercive?

This woman known as ‘Nela,’ explained on TikTok that her boyfriend, Jose Macias, has to stay on the phone with her the whole time he’s at work – For shifts up to 12 hours at a time!

What’s the reason? Apparently she doesn’t trust “other girls,” not to flirt with him…

@flackoandnelaMight quit my job & go work w/ him ! 🥰 ##4u♬ Insane – Summer Walker

Her admission has sparked a barrage of comments – with many people calling her ‘extensive’ and ‘not normal,’ and one even said she ‘needed to get help.’

In another TikTok, Nela explained that when her boyfriend is at work, she feels ‘sad and depressed,’ which is another reason why she wants to be on video chat all the time.


On his own account, Jose actually called Nela ‘toxic’ after he said she made him send her a picture to prove he was at work and not somewhere else.

It’s reasonable to suggest this is not normal.

Credit: Daily Mail

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