No New Year’s Eve plans and still want to make the most of it? We’ve got you covered.

No matter what you do, it’s important to remember that NYE is just another night in the year – especially if you’ve got FOMO because it seems everyone you know is doing something.

Firstly, you need to decide whether you want to ring in the new year with friends or alone.

If you feel like company, here a few options:

Plan a games night

Everyone loves a board game, right? This is a good low-key option but still provides plenty of fun for a small group.


Organise a last minute dinner party

Quick! Call your closest friends and dash to the shops. Starting 2025 with a full belly and heart is never a bad idea.

Have a movie night

Low effort, high reward. Add snacks for optimal results.

If you’re spending the night alone, regardless of whether you’ve chosen to or not, why not:


Cook a nice meal

Look up a recipe you’ve always wanted to try, and get into the culinary spirit to warm the soul.

Call a loved one

If you couldn’t physically be with friends or family – why not try them on the phone? Even a quick catch up to wrap up the end of the year could brighten your night (and theirs).


Write down your best moments from the year, any thoughts or memories you want to keep safe, and goals you have for 2025.



Why not literally wipe away 2024, clean out the cobwebs, and start the new year with clarity (and less dust, clutter, etc).

Go to bed early

Who needs to see the fireworks at midnight when you can be deep in dream world and wake up fresh as a daisy, ready to take on 2025?


Whatever you decide, have a wonderful night!

Here's one of our favourite moments from Robin & Kip now with Corey Oates!