For years (I’d argue centuries, although I haven’t done the research) scones have remained sacred to the charity fundraiser, the school fete, and of course the magical depths of Nan’s kitchen – How does she make them? I’ve never seen the process, only the product.

But alas, like everything the corporate world get’s it’s ‘doughy’ hands on, someone’s going to benefit, and someone’s going to loose out. Yes, the CWAs across the nation are quivering…

Enough of that.

Golden’s Limited Edition Scone Loaf is set to bring a slightly sweet flavour with thick, soft slices that are deliciously crunchy on the outside when toasted!

Chuck some of Nan’s jam & cream on this, and you’ve got some ethical trading going on! – No one’s out of business.

No artificial colours or flavors, and apparently it’s even vegan! – An inclusive loaf too!

…I think I’ve been trying to justify this purchase to my Nan throughout the entire article – Don’t feel guilty.

They’re going for $5.50 at Woolworths, Coles, various IGA/Foodland/independent supermarkets.
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