It’s rare that a piece of art captures your attention in a way that has you questioning the process behind it.

That’s why a new piece by Parisian artist Lucas Vaskange has fascinated millions of people on social media.

One of his latest works seems to go on forever—the more you pinch, the more the world opens up to the viewer.

Check out the video here:

Do you feel more grounded after viewing this? I certainly do, and I had to understand how it was done!

One of the most common questions the artists has received is why does the picture not become pixelated after a few zooms?

Well, the picture is not created by pixels, but rather vector technology. What’s the difference?


“While pixels are literal ‘blocks’ of an image simulating the points on your screen, vectors are points, lines, curves and polygons on an algebraic grid. These points, lines, curves, and basic polygons are called ‘primitives,’ and are the basic building blocks of vector art,” Eric Z. Goodnight explains at How-To Geek.

So basically, they never lose their quality or resolution!

To create this art work, it’s speculated that Vaskange would had to of started from the smallest piece (the end frame of the video), and worked his way outward. Imagine a cone, and where he started was the pointy end! Vaskange’s work is blowing people’s minds as they’ve never seen a piece of vector art that has gone that deep before.

What an amazingly innovative way to use the technology!

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