I consume what my doctor describes as an “unhealthy and unsustainable” amount of energy drinks so hearing there’s a new HEALTHIER alternative has me (and probably my healthcare professionals) very excited.

Let me introduce you to ‘Yerbi’, a brand new energy drink naturally caffeinated by Yerba Mate and Guarana. It gives you a smooth and sustained energy boost without any of the nasty jitters and is sweetened with vanilla and honey, with a slight botanical flavour, which is good news if you’re sick of the sugar-syrup-tasting alternatives..

If you’re sitting there like “what the hell is Yerba Mate?” I GOT YOU FAM! “Yerba Mate is a plant native to South America that has been used for centuries to boost stamina. It’s well known for delivering a sustained, ‘calm’ energy boost and helping you avoid that jittery feeling and crash you would usually associate with energy drinks and supplements.” said Yerbi representative Beverley Reeves.

Yerbi is available from Woolworths, Drakes, and select independent supermarkets for $3.50 per 250ml or $11 for a 4-pack. Cheers!

Here's one of our favourite moments from Robin & Kip now with Corey Oates!