Luca’s Papaw ointment is Australia’s favorite lip balm that isn’t actually a lip balm, it’s more of an ointment (as it says in the name), but whatevs you know what I mean. We all know it makes your lips feel incredible, especially when the harsh winter wind or summer sun is giving you that “80s house paint flaking off the wall” lip look, but did you know it’s also great for new Mum’s and bubs?

The ointment from the gods is made from fruit that’s full of Vitamin A, C, E, iron, potassium, and magnesium which act as a natural remedy to soothe the skin. It’s great for providing relief from stretch marks, chapped and cracked skin from breastfeeding, and protecting bubba from nappy rash and other irritations.

Approved by babies

Pick up a lip applicator, tube or jar from any leading retailer or chemist and enjoy how good your (and your baby’s) skin feels!