Look, I understand the outrage when it comes to Hot Cross Buns appearing in stores months before Easter.

However, as a hardcore Hot Cross Bun lover, I don’t mind it! Why limit yourself to the fantastic flavours of a glorious hot cross bun to just one period during the year?!

Well, if you’re on my team and LOVE hot cross buns all year round, just wait till you see what our mates at Kellogg’s have just released!

Drum roll, please! …..

A limited-edition, hot cross bun flavoured sultana bran!

Now, if you’re wondering…’What on earth does that taste like?’ It’s said to have the rich and indulgent taste of freshly baked hot cross buns, malty flakes and sultanas with cinnamon spice in every bowl!

Served best with warm milk, this new cereal is set to bring back the nostalgic scent of spices and freshly baked hot cross buns that are fresh from the oven!


Now, I am yet to taste this, so I can’t vouch for it just yet, but let us know in the comments below whether this is something you would want to try!

If you want to get your hands on a box of this limited edition new cereal, you can buy it from most local supermarkets or order it online for about $5.50!

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