GOD DAMN it’s a good day to be a cowboy/girl!

Remember when Queen B announced a world tour and everyone lost their minds? Same. For those with foggy brains it looked a little like this…


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If you saw that and thought “LOOK AT THAT HAT! I WANT ONE!” you’re not alone. Internet sleuths went into overdrive trying to decipher where they could attain such beauty to wear uponst their head and they’ve bloody done it.

Turns out Beyoncé spends a bit of time scrolling through Etsy (don’t we all) and that’s exactly where she copped the hat! A designer called Abby Misbin is behind the masterpiece. She runs an Etsy store called ‘Trending by Abby’ and according to TMZ she had to close the store briefly due to the onslaught of orders post Beyoncé’s announcement.


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Each hat is covered in 10,000 to 15,000 mirrored tiles. Insanity. Writing on Instagram Abby said “I’m so happy so many of you want a hat and am making them as fast as I can! I’ll be updating my Etsy inventory sometime in the next few days, (favorite the listing to get notified!) as well as changing the production time (2-3 months) to keep up with demand! Each hat takes a long time to perfect and I’d never want to compromise the quality! All customers deserve Beyoncè quality!”

Pick one up for yourself here, Yee haw!