Tonight’s episode starts off right where yesterday’s ended. Dom has just walked off after her fight with Olivia while the group is trying to process what happened.

Ride or die Ella is sticking up for Dom and says that she’s a good person and has a good heart. The majority of the women agree and are trying to explain to Olivia that Dom’s heart is in the right place. This is a fantastic article that goes into the effect Olivia’s words had on Dom:

Olivia doesn’t care and says that’s not how a good person behaves (and how exactly is that, Olivia? Cutting up a dress?) Which, by the way, is a true story:


The dress doesn’t even look that bad!

As soon as he hears, Jack goes to find Dom, listens to her and comforts her.


Olivia is telling the group the story and it’s… kinda not true. She’s claiming Dom smashed it and then waved it in her face while standing over her. Not only is this evidently not true after we’ve all seen the footage but it’s gross that Olivia is trying make Dom come across as violent. Luckily, ride or die Ella is pointing out to everyone the truth of what happened. I wonder what Jackson thinks watching the footage back and seeing how easily she lied.




The next day, Jack and Jackson have a very reasonable discussion about what happened.

Dion makes homemade pizzas for everyone and then balks when Carolina asks him to go for a run, and I couldn’t relate more. At least now he sees what she’s doing playing mind games with him. They talk later that night and she keeps turning it back on him, saying she “keeps trying” and “is trying not to get frustrated with him” Mitch, who is all of us eavesdropping on the convo, notes how toxic Carolina is.



Kate’s personality is coming out more and she’s being nicer. Matt is ecstatic. They have some hot tub time and he even gets a hug (initiated by Kate!)

Before the night’s dinner, Jackson is telling Olivia to be the bigger person and that he doesn’t want drama. Olivia starts going on about how she is a petty petty person, that Dom’s voice sucks and she’s white trash, and that she wants to “beat [Dom] at the stake”. What?? Like to be that kind of person is bad enough, but to be proud of it is even worse. It’s not behaviour you should be boasting about. Who is this person?? Jackson says it’s not something he’s attracted to. Run, Jackson, while you still have a chance!

Dom joins the dinner at some point to apologise to everyone. She starts to talk and Olivia throws out snide comments like “do I need a Xanax before this chat?” and “can someone please pass the cyanide”. Honestly, it just gets from bad to worse. Jackson tells her to stop being rude but she obviously doesn’t care. Dom gives what seems like a sincere, remorseful apology, where she takes accountability for her actions and doesn’t excuse them. She talks about how Olivia’s words triggered deep traumas and the whole group (apart from Olivia) understands and accepts it, even Jackson.



Jackson holds Olivia accountable for her actions and she doesn’t like it one bit. She starts crying and justifying her actions and saying that Jackson doesn’t understand them (oh, the irony!) She says she’s apparently having a panic attack, and turns this back to Jackson. These flags are more red than Dion’s Adidas tracksuit and Jackson needs to run as fast as Carolina outta there! Also interesting side note, when Olivia goes to “be comforted’ by the brides, it’s Carolina and Kate. I wonder why no one in the original group wants a bar of her? Interesting dynamic.



Onto a tense dinner party tomorrow!


Here's one of our favourite moments from Robin & Kip!