After the, well not even mess of a dinner party, just an overall unenjoyable case study in low, vindictive behaviour, we get to the the fallout in the commitment ceremony where Olivia Frazer is called out for her actions to Domenica Calarco, only to double down and boast that she has no empathy…. which, what? How did she make it through the mental health assessments prior to the show with that??

Dom is still reeling from the dinner party and decides to go talk to Olivia about where the photos came from, and where they are now, which is completely understandable. After feigning ignorance when Dom knocks on her door about why she could be there, she again refuses to answer Dom’s valid questions about the photo and gaslights her into saying that Dom is yelling, when it’s evident from the footage that we’re watching that Dom is calm (more than most of us would be) and closes the door on her to avoid accountability.

The commitment ceremony starts with Dom and Jack, and the experts are quick to call out Olivia’s behaviour, and she’s even quicker to throw her “friend” Selina under the bus. When John asks her if she understands why Dom is upset, Olivia says it was cos everyone was talking about her behind her back and she “lost control of the group”, nothing about how she gleefully distributed naked photos of someone with malicious intent.


The fact that Ella wasn’t told about the photo of Dom tells me that they all knew they were doing the wrong thing. They knew if they told Ella she would tell her friend. #mafs #mafsau

— tellytweeter (@tellytweeter) March 20, 2022

Selina and Cody are up next, and she gushes over Cody buying her flowers to say sorry for humiliating Dom in front of the group last night (did Dom Get flowers too?)


Ella and Mitch decide to stay and try long distance, and Brent and Tamara decide to see out the experiment. Al decides to leave and I don’t know how we’re going to get through the next week or so without his positivity trying to balance out Olivia sucking the life out of everyone.


It’s finally Olivia and Jackson’s turn on the couch. I hope the scene wasn’t edited and the John actually interrupted their gushing over their “love story” (hostage situation) to ask Jackson how he feels about Olivia’s abhorrent behaviour. He’s pushed into admitting that it’s “probably bad”, and Dom and Jack interject “probably?” incredulously which forces him to admit it WAS bad. The look Olivia gives him, oop he know’s he’s in trouble and better delete anything he doesn’t want her spreading to everyone. Olivia tries to lie that they are “closer than ever” and when John points out that they look miserable she tries to blame it on “the situation” (ya know, the one she purposely created to ruin someone else). Who knows if Jackson is afraid of her due to trauma bonding or what but his reactions to her behaviour, especially having been the product of an abusive childhood, is baffling and disappointing.




The experts call out Olivia’s behaviour, and Alessandra says that she knows hunting down and sending the photo is related to her previous admission of holding grudges, and Olivia needs to do some self reflection and have some human empathy and apologise to Dom. Olivia then casually brags about not having empathy saying “as far as empathy, I just don’t have it. It’s just not in me”. And before anyone can process and react to the fact that she just admitted on national TV to having one of the cornerstones of an antisocial personality disorder, she turns on the waterworks and says “she’s in a really bad mood”. Wow who woulda guessed being held accountable for your own terrible actions would result in that?









Here's one of our favourite moments from Robin & Kip now with Corey Oates!