Woah, we dive right into this MAFS episode with new groom Matt watching his wife Kate while she sleeps!

They are sent to their honeymoon where Kate looks disgusted and miserable and Matt is having the time of his life, feeling like he’s “in The Notebook” but with a pool and I’m sure a freshly stocked minibar full of chicken Twisties. He looks like he’s having a lot of fun in the pool (admittedly, similar to what how kids would enjoy it) but she just sits there and doesn’t even try to have fun.


Dion and Carolina also get sent to their honeymoon, and before we know it, the honesty box comes out.


Carolina tells Dion about how she was cheated on in a previous relationship, and only found out by going through his phone and his transactions, and seeing he had strange charges at a “mature ladies brothel” which

Dion asks Carolina if she is attracted to him, and if he is her usual type. She says she isn’t attracted to him yet but there is potential, but when the cameras are “off” (just kidding, the producer probably thinks something will go down and let it keep filming!) she tells him that she knows he has a bit of money and guesses that girls are usually very attracted to that. She says she’s not that kind of girl, and it’s not all about money.



We also meet our last new couple, Daniel and Jessica, who have both lost a sibling and suffered significant trauma in their lives… Ahh soulmates!

Daniel grew up in an abusive household with an alcoholic father and absent mother, and as a result, is deeply attached to his sister and niece (who also doesn’t have a father figure so Daniel plays that role in her life). They start off pretty well and both say they are hopeful, and bond over their understanding of each other’s circumstances. It seems to be looking like a win for MAFS, until Jessica says what seems like a joking remark that at her real wedding she’d want to wear trackies and Daniel gets upset cos she doesn’t see this as a “real” wedding and walks off. Jessica thinks he’s throwing a tantrum (or as Selin would say, having a boohoo). Daniel returns eventually and talks it through with Jess, who points out that even if they stayed together, they’d want a real wedding with their family involved.


They leave for their honeymoon (which looks like it’s literally 1 day) and paint together, one of Daniel’s favourite hobbies and a coping mechanism he used in his childhood.

They are also brought the relationship killer box, and Jessica gets a free question, yay! She asks Daniel if he could change one thing about her, what would it be? He is very reluctant to answer cos to be honest, kinda looks like a bit of a trap. You ain’t getting out of that one alive! He refuses to answer the question, which pisses off Jessica and she heads to her room alone.


We are treated with a final scene that serves as the perfect bookmark to the start of the episode in which Daniel takes a dark phone video at 1am talking about how he was woken up by Jessica “going off” and swearing about him on the phone. That didn’t take long!

Onto tomorrow where it looks like Domenica will be throwing down with the new wives!



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