We know that Post Malone is genuinely living the dream, so when he showed up to Gold Coast’s Spilt Milk festival looking like this, we were not even slightly surprised.

The 28-year-old rapper was spotted by punters arriving at the festival he was headlining in blue plaid pyjamas looking like he had most certainly just rolled out of bed.


Malone interacted with fans, taking selfies and signing autographs while smoking a cigarette.

Posty has slipped very easily into the Aussie culture, kicking off his nationwide tour in Brisbane earlier this month with no less than seven “shoeys” over the course of the show.

And honestly, between the shoeys and the jammy-jams we reckon that Posty is probably the coolest celeb to hang out with. Let us know if you can somehow tee it up with him, because we’re keen.

What’s Posty listening to? Check out the playlist he curated now on iHeart:


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