Three new $2 coins will be released to the Australian public to celebrate the 100th birthday of a legitimate Australian icon.

The Royal Australian Mint has teamed up with Woolworths to release three limited edition coins to celebrate the 100th birthday of Vegemite.

There are three million limited edition coins that will be available to customers paying cash and will be released over a three week period were you can get a new coin each week.

Royal Australian Mint designer Aaron Baggio designed the new and unique coins, each with a different colour band of yellow, red and black to represent the colours of the famous brand.

The first coin features a jar of the yeasty goodness with “100 mitey years” at the bottom of the coin.


The next one has a slice of toast with the spread on it, along with the words “tastes like Australia.”

While the third has a child eating Vegemite toast with “Happy Little Vegemites” engraved along the bottom of the coin.

The three coins will also have Queen Elizabeth II on the back of the coin and will feature as a memorial with her years of reign engraved along side her image.

The first coin is available from the 17th of May, the second hits tills from the 24th of May while the third will be available from the 31st.

Image: Woolworths
Image: Woolworths
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