Remember earlier this year when someone made our beloved Winnie The Pooh into a horror movie? Yeah well, they’re back at it.

The team behind ‘Winnie The Pooh: Blood And Honey’ are taking the age-old story of Cinderella and turning that into a “gory horror movie”. Speaking to horror aficionados Bloody Disgusting the film’s director and producer Louisa Warren said “This an incredibly unique spin on the Cinderella we all love and know. There are going to be some truly horrific deaths by her hands. I think the gore hounds are in for a treat in my dark retelling.”

Jesus. Sounds like things are gonna get messy. The movie begins filming next month in the UK, stay tuned for trailers, release dates, and more!

Here's one of our favourite moments from Robin & Kip now with Corey Oates!