Be honest, prior to ‘Breaking Bad’ had you ever heard of Albuquerque, New Mexico? Didn’t think so.

Now one of the most famous cities in America, thanks to the massive success of Vince Gilligan’s ‘Breaking Bad’, the town has unveiled two statues to celebrate. Unveiled at the Albuquerque Convention Center over the weekend were two larger-than-life bronze statues of Walter White and Jesse Pinkman. If you haven’t seen the series, firstly, stop what you’re doing immediately, call in sick and get to binging (it’s amazing), secondly, they’re the main characters played by Bryan Cranston and Aaron Paul respectively.

While it’s a very touching gesture from the city to a show that no doubt had a huge impact on their tourism… it’s still hilarious. They’ve just erected statues of a drug dealer and his drug cook. Brilliant. Check them out below.


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